So, I Quit The Band
So, I quit the band.
Why I hear you cry (or "so what", or "I didn't know you were in a band"). Well way back in 2008 when we first decided to start this band it was always on the proviso that we have fun writing what we like. No grand schemes to conquer the world (of Rock!) or make millions, just 4 guys writing what they enjoy and having fun. 
After travelling the world for a year with my wife in 2006/07, it was time to start doing some of the things that we'd always wanted to do and starting a straight forward, old school metal band was one of mine. 
Fast forward a couple of months, acquire a lovely new ESP LTD B50 bass & Behringer Ultrabass BX1800 and rope in old friends Wayne, Martin and Chris and I had the makings of a solid metal band.
Cool. What next? Play some rocking tunes, good laughs and record some stuff. 
Highlights during this period:

  • Playing to 500 bikers at MAG Yorkshire Pudding
  • Recording our self published EP
  • Nearly every single rehearsal
  • Making friends with more bands than I can remember
  • Writing music with my friends
That lasted 4 years all told and was a blast through and through but for me something changed, the sparkle was gone and my priorities shifted. My job was taking more of my time and energy, I have two wonderful but very demanding boys and I was starting to miss out on some quality time with my family. I lost friends in other parts of my life as well, namely war gaming and I think that all these things convinced me that it was time to take a step back from music.
Have you ever tried to do a million things all at once and realised that you couldn't give any of them the due that they deserve. Well that was me and the worst thing was I was spreading myself so thin that I wasn't doing anything very well.
So I quit.

Ironrat shall continue, with the songs that I helped create, just not with me.
Good luck fella's
