Review - The Dead Resurrected
Do you like it slow and dirty? Sounds a little like an adult movie tag line however as I’m writing my blog for an audience of all I’ll explain what I mean. Its review time!
As a few of you may recall I used to play and sing in Ironrat, a stoner metal band from Bradford and during the course of that experience we were exposed to a wide range of interesting, cool, terrifying or just outright weird bands however there were a few that stood out as being genuinely good, The Dead Resurrected being one of them. With plenty of experience in their line up (Feat: Ex and Current members of Lazarus Blackstar, Khang, End Times, Gods Of Hellfire and Bloodstream) they’ve taken the adage “slow and heavy is better” to the nth degree and created some awesomely groovetastic riffs with, dare I say it, real singing and intelligent lyrics that you can actually hear.
I’ve put links to their stuff below and they’ve made a 3 track album available for free download (get it quick).
Track listing
01 - Dark Gods Reign - brooding and intense, couple of nice key changes. “ The Demons eyes, always watching you, the demons lies, behold the god that holds no proof”. You can deduce the subject matter
02 - King of Nothing - kicks in straight away with a rolling riff and nice harmonic hook, nice rhythm break in the middle. From my repeated listens it seems to be about people who screw over others and claim to be their friends when in reality they're out for themselves. We'v all experienced that some degree.
03 - The Grip of Domination - More up beat than the previous two however with similar vocal style. More use of backing vocals with a chorus that you can unhappily (after all, its is doom) sing along to. Reminds me of some of Integrity’s stuff from the mid nineties albeit with cooler vocals.
Check em out