Planets & Satellites - Which one are you?

In my rather long and interesting life I’ve experienced all manner of relationships with people - work, personal, friendship, loving, and they all invariably come down to one thing. Who orbits who?

To explain further you have to have a basic understanding of gravity. Whne thinking about it from an actual scientific/cosmological view gravity is a force exerted on other bodies related to a bodies mass. A simple view of gravity (thanks messrs Cox and Kaku) is to view space as a sheet stretched horizontally taught by four strapping blokes in vests and work pants. Then plop a nice big football in the centre of the sheet. When you do this it bows inwards around the weight in the centre.

That’s the gravity of the football.

Now get a tennis ball and place it on the edge of the sheet. Psyche yourself up for a nice big push and launch the tennis ball round the the football as though you’re playing roulette in a casino. Because of the gravity of the football the tennis ball will orbit the football round and round until it loses energy and spirals into the centre. The only way of stopping this is if the tennis ball continues to orbit at the same speed. If you then think that space/time is the sheet and the way the football indents the sheet is gravity you have to then picture the sheet in all directions as well. The footballs mass is indenting reality.

That’s gravity

Ok so now I’ve explained that (badly) now replace the football with people. Done? Now replace mass(gravity) with force of personality and emotions.

Stick with me, it will make sense. So now we’ve done that you can picture the people that you’ve interacted with in your life. Do they drag others to them, do they expect others to gravitate towards them and orbit their life like some kind of satellite. Do they get confused when one of those satellites stops interacting with them and wonders why they’re no longer part of their lives. Could it be because the effort of orbiting that person is no longer worth the reward and another person/interest/group has now dragged them into their own orbit. or could it be that they've stopped trying and this reduction in energy resulted in a spiralling decent, crashing into the person they're orbiting with disastrous consequences, i.e. you realise they're a twat.

Have you ever put loads of effort into a relationship only to have it consumed and never reciprocated? What happens when you stop trying. Does the other person start trying? Or does the relationship fizzle and die out. Does that person than try and gather other people to “orbit” them and satisfy the need that you previously provided.

This is my theory of planets and satellites relationships. I recently stopped trying and strangely enough I’ve had no contact with the “planets” that I orbited. It took me a while to realise I was even orbiting them. I guarantee that the planets in question are now wondering why I’ve become incommunicado, why I have severed ties with them and why is it that I’m not trying.


I’m not a satellite!
