Song of the week

Time to talk about whats on the iPod at the mo:

Title -   Less   
Artist - Ben Harper
Album - Burn to Shine
Not an obvious one for a very obviously metal band however he’s been a fave of mine for quite a few years. Once referred to as a “poor Lenny Kravitz wannabe” by that oracle of all musical knowledge NME he’s been developing his heartbreaking vocal style and musical craftsmanship (he plays a weissenborn for fluffs sake) for nigh on 20 years. This one is off his 1999 album Burn to Shine and is an awesome rock song. It rolls along nicely with his trademark slide guitar (weissenborn Ste, weissenborn, get it right). Then toward the end there’s a slight break where just the guitar is playing. BANG then the rest of the band come in with a slowed done tempo and this anthemic group chorus.

Ooh tingles down the spine. If you’ve never heard him check him out. Something for everyone.
