New Project - Stomp Box
So I’ve go my first solo gig coming up in 6 weeks and I’m nervous as hell. So just to make myself even more freaked out and stuff I thought I would include an additional instrument on top of the acoustic/electric guitar & 2 harmonicas (C & G).
A stomp box
What the heck is that I hear a few (after all no one reads this crap) of you yell. Well then its simply a wooden box/crate/plank/2x4 (delete as appropriate) that the individual in question (that’s me) stomps on while playing to give a little percussion to their tune. The crazy thing about all this is that there are very few resources around there regarding the best way to put one together. It seems that everyone has a different idea about the little blighters. Some folks use overturned crates, some build acoustic resonating chambers from quality wood, whilst others buy digitised pedals that you plug into amps.There's even a plan of how to build one out of a plank, some carpet and an old speaker. There are even beautiful hand made foot drums to buy (see Farmers Drums for more info).
So the options are endless. Now being a very stringent and financially challenging type of chap (read - skint) I’ve opted for the lo-fi option of building one. Now as I have scrap wood in the cellar, a cheapo karaoke in my bits bag and loads of spare nails and the like I’m going to attempt this mammoth task over the next couple of weeks. That should give me enough time to test my new instrument, play with the sound and incorporate it into my 30 min set.
I shall update with pics and progress accordingly.