Summer Gigs

Hey kids

As some of you may have deduced by now I play in a band (Ironrat) and enjoy the occasional solo effort too. So in the interests of shameless self promotion I thought I'd update everyone on our summer gigs:

Sun 3rd July - Metal 2 the Massess, Riverside, Selby
Sat 9th July - Baildon Carnival
Thu 28th July - The Consiton, Idle
Sat 30th July - Right Up The Bracket - Polish Parish Club, Bradford
Sat 6th Aug - Rio's, Bradford
Sun 18th Sept - Frankfest, Eccleshill Cricket Club

First off we're playing in round 6 of the Bloodstock heats at the Riverside in Selby. Its gonna be a busy night so get your tickets in advance (free, Free, FREE!) by emailing

Then its a short trip back to mine and Chris's home town of Baildon to play the Carnival. This is organised by our old mate Steve Newsham (he put on our very first gig back in 2008) so should be a good affair. Incidentally he co-hosts a show on BCB Radio

A welcome return to the lovely Coniston in Idle with old mates Old School Enemy, a great pub, venue and great band. Due to holiday commitments we were unable to play at the charity event Right Up The Bracket however I have elected to do a solo set including some covers, alternate versions of Ironrat tunes and my own material. This is in aid of CALM,a mental health charity, for more info as to the why's and wherefores visit Alec Marlows (Suicide By Cop) blog Northern Stories to get a much clearer picture.

Then were back to Rio's playing with the awesome Eye For An Eye. These guys are tearing it up round the country in support of their blistering new album Downfall so make sure you're their.

Keep em peeled for more updates
