Climate Change/Natural Resources
Here at Ironrat HQ (a heavily fortified bunker deep underground sufficiently stocked with cups of tea and chocolate digestives) we’ve been considering the above topic and wondering what to do about it/how it affects us (affect/effect - which one to use….he he he) and we’ve come to the following conclusions:
- The world is changing and whether we’re affecting it or not, and we need to act to ensure the survival of our species. Reducing harmful emissions, minimising waste, stop polluting the oceans and generally start thinking about what we consume and where it ends up. We can’t create only convert matter so it’s a finite resource and maybe we should be using it better.
i. So maybe we should reuse the waste from what we consume. “hey I’ve go a bag for life” I hear you shout. Well done. Good start. But what about all those plastic products you use that you sporadically recycle. Things can only be recycled so many times so the demand for plastic still exists. And plastics are made from petrochemicals (oil) so as that is used up our plastic supply will dwindle. Reducing supply vs increasing demand. Not sustainable is it? So stop buying plastic products, reuse rather than recycle.
ii. Now the crazy solution - lets spread out. If we can’t control our global population maybe we should expend our energies on getting off this rock and spreading out, minimises the risk of humanity killing itself off.
- We’re running out of water. It sounds wacky what with the horrible flooding that Oz is suffering at the moment, but we are in certain parts of the world and these parts or the world produce a goodly proportion of the food for the rest of us. So if the water stops falling in the places where the food grows - hey presto no food. “Ok so we move where we produce the food” I hear you say. So where to? The population of the world is increasing at a staggering rate, countries are getting over populated with infrastructures unable to cope and arable land being given over to housing and urbanisation to accommodate the growing population. “hey we buy our food from country X so we don’t need to farm any more”……… you can see where its going. So the answer.
i. Start growing your grub. Don’t waste your grub because nearly everything can be recycled and put to good use.
ii. Repeat this mantra Reduce Reuse Recycle - then live by it. You’ll be better suited to survive the coming apocalypse….
As James Lovelock said in the Guardian (Monday 29 March 2010)
“It's almost certain that you can't put a trillion tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere without something nasty happening.”
So Ironrat shall be:
Growing its own grub in a lovely commune deep in the North Yorkshire Moors where all our clothes are made of hemp and we eat only lentils………………………………… Honest!