Song of the Week

Feeling a little introspective and selfish today so I’m going to recommend one of our songs because I can.

Title - Halo     
Artist - Ironrat
Album - First EP & Mick Ayres Memorial CD
Opening up with big chords this starts off feeling like a big rock stadium type of song. You can just picture Eddie Van Halen, Slash or Pete Townsend doing the whole windmill arm swing everytime the chords are played. However it’s all a ruse because then the verse truly starts with a nice crunching thrash type riff and some very growly vocals. It’s a song about curiosity leading to addiction but with an uplifting chorus that focuses on the positive aspect of friends and how they can help you fight your personal demons and be better.

Wow that was a bit preachy, but hey its our song so we’re allowed. On a separate note it features on the Mick Ayres Memorial Compilation. If you haven’t got it, then get one by contacting Voltage Studios through Facebook. Its worth it as not only will you learn about a great friend, musician, actor and all round good bloke who passed away suddenly but you will also get some of the best music coming out of the fair county of Yorkshire.

And on that note…..TTFN!
