Let it Snow, let it Snow……
Ok who ordered the white stuff. Come on which one of you requested that this fluffy white stuff should fall out of the sky and inundate the beautiful county of West Yorkshire with solid rain. Its pretty and makes great snowballs but what the feck does it do to the traffic. Jams, Jams, Jams and I’m not talking Eton Rifles or the tasty stuff you put on toast. It seems to be a national pastime to talk about how “we can’t handle snow, not like other countries. Where’s all the gritters, it’s a disgrace”.
Well here at Ironrat HQ we think, stay in and enjoy the prettiness (yes it’s a word!) cos it ain’t worth slamming into a tree in your lovely new Peugeot 106 (for new read knackered and old) and having a lovely trip to A&E to get some lovely hard white stuff glued to your leg. We’ve uploaded our new tunes to Reverbnation and Myspace and if the gremlins of the interweb ever let us we’ll have a nice little MyBand link of Facebook shortly too so get listening. Also available for a non-limited time only is pretty little words that go by the title Lyrics for your perusal. Finally you can figure out what the hell we’re singing about.
Coming soon………………………..Mailing list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!