Sometimes things happen around you that make you realise your own mortality and your place on the earth. I’m a realist and an atheist however when things like that hit, you do start to wonder about what happens next, are the things you do in life weighed somehow and count towards whatever comes next. Or is their nothing afterwards, you leave this life and that’s it. It sounds kinda depressing when worded like that and if its all for nothing because nothing you do is worth anything once you move on (because you don’t), then why do it?
Can your actions and intentions validate and justify your life and give some sort of meaning to what comes next. Does that last gasp repentance of all your evil sins (debauchery, greed, selfishness, cruelty, X-factor) exonerate you and grant you eternal bliss in the land of fluffy clouds/valhalla/afterlife/etc etc ad infinitum. Here’s my thoughts on what may be out there (bear in mind that they’re theories and I am an atheist therefore I don’t believe them.)
Nothing happens, you die - your dirt
There’s some big all encompassing entity that accepts you into their loving embrace (or bosom if you think it’s a gal)
You’re coming back but if you ain’t been good you’re a beetle and you’ll get run over crossing the road with your dung ball.
If anyone has any more ideas let us know at as we’re always interested to find out how people tick.